Blog Info

My purpose with this blog is to interactively work through the process of writing my first young adult book, tentatively titled Perdition. The briefest way I could explain the general idea is that it's meant to be like Twilight but with a girl who's both less and more sure of herself than Bella, a ghost on a sinister mission, and a crazy extended family. Don't worry there will still be a love triangle. However, I certainly don't intend this to be a romance first. It's much more about coming-of-age, family, and loss. My plan is to work my way through the process, including research (such as reviews of other books I read for inspiration along the way), character sketches, pleas for help, and whatever else might crop up along the way. If you'd prefer just to read the book as it's developed, you can visit the secondary page. Here goes nothing...

Friday, August 2, 2013

How's Your Novel Coming?

I. Can't. Write.

Mostly because of this:

But to fair, it's also because I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with the plot and I really can't write any more until I'm sure (otherwise, I'll just have to go change everything and revising is more work than writing in the first place).

I'm mostly dealing the ridiculous expectations I had--I honestly thought I could write this book before school started back up. Dumb.  I've been working diligently, but I'm maybe only a third of the way through the first draft.  I guess that's why not everyone does this.  I definitely don't understand NaNoWriMo; that's crazy talk.

I'm furthermore concerned about how I'm going to manage once I'm back at work, grading essays and writing letters of recommendation all day long.  Oh, and once all the new TV shows start back up again (Park and Rec, how I miss you!).

I guess my only hope is you, my friends.  I'd really appreciate it if you could be the Stewie to my Brian:

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